- commit
- 0c62e577c81429c50dfa3ad38eb5efb00c3e6b09
- parent
- 4c446d714beab0b232a61d42fbd8c007af6179ed
- Author
- Tobias Bengfort <tobias.bengfort@posteo.de>
- Date
- 2025-02-12 02:53
refactor: top level objects in contexts
M | dropin.py | 24 | ++++++++++++------------ |
M | templates/collection.html | 10 | +++++----- |
M | templates/feed.xml | 12 | ++++++------ |
M | templates/series.html | 8 | ++++---- |
M | templates/video.html | 32 | ++++++++++++++++---------------- |
5 files changed, 43 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/dropin.py b/dropin.py
@@ -217,11 +217,11 @@ def render_response(request, template, **data): 217 217 return web.Response(body=body, content_type='text/html') 218 218 219 219220 -1 def render_feed(request, data, items):-1 220 def render_feed(request, col, items): 221 221 if not env.globals.get('ORIGIN'): 222 222 raise web.HTTPNotFound 223 223 tpl = env.get_template('feed.xml')224 -1 body = tpl.render(**data, items=items, request=request)-1 224 body = tpl.render(col=col, items=items, request=request) 225 225 return web.Response(body=body, content_type='text/xml') 226 226 227 227 @@ -257,11 +257,11 @@ async def search_view(request): 257 257 258 258 async def collection_view(request): 259 259 id = request.match_info['id']260 -1 data, items = await asyncio.gather(-1 260 col, items = await asyncio.gather( 261 261 fetch(f'https://api.vhx.tv/collections/{id}'), 262 262 fetch_items(f'https://api.vhx.tv/collections/{id}/items'), 263 263 )264 -1 return render_response(request, 'collection.html', **data, items=items)-1 264 return render_response(request, 'collection.html', col=col, items=items) 265 265 266 266 267 267 async def collection_feed(request): @@ -285,17 +285,17 @@ async def get_series(id): 285 285 {**season, 'episodes': episodes} 286 286 for season, episodes in zip(_seasons, season_episodes) 287 287 ]288 -1 return {**series, 'seasons': seasons}-1 288 return series, seasons 289 289 290 290 291 291 async def series_view(request):292 -1 series = await get_series(request.match_info['id'])293 -1 return render_response(request, 'series.html', **series)-1 292 series, seasons = await get_series(request.match_info['id']) -1 293 return render_response(request, 'series.html', col=series, seasons=seasons) 294 294 295 295 296 296 async def series_feed(request):297 -1 series = await get_series(request.match_info['id'])298 -1 items = [e for season in series['seasons'] for e in season['episodes']]-1 297 series, seasons = await get_series(request.match_info['id']) -1 298 items = [e for season in seasons for e in season['episodes']] 299 299 return render_feed(request, series, items) 300 300 301 301 @@ -320,9 +320,9 @@ async def get_next(data): 320 320 321 321 async def video_view(request): 322 322 id = request.match_info['id']323 -1 data = await fetch(f'https://api.vhx.tv/videos/{id}')324 -1 next = await get_next(data)325 -1 return render_response(request, 'video.html', **data, next=next)-1 323 video = await fetch(f'https://api.vhx.tv/videos/{id}') -1 324 next = await get_next(video) -1 325 return render_response(request, 'video.html', video=video, next=next) 326 326 327 327 328 328 async def file_view(request):
diff --git a/templates/collection.html b/templates/collection.html
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ 1 1 {% extends 'base.html' %} 2 23 -1 {% block title %}{{ title }} - {{ super() }}{% endblock %}-1 3 {% block title %}{{ col.title }} - {{ super() }}{% endblock %} 4 4 5 5 {% block head %}6 -1 {% if ORIGIN and type == 'playlist' %}7 -1 <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" href="/{{ type }}/{{ id }}.rss">-1 6 {% if ORIGIN and col.type == 'playlist' %} -1 7 <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" href="/{{ col.type }}/{{ col.id }}.rss"> 8 8 {% endif %} 9 9 {% endblock %} 10 10 11 11 {% block content %} 12 12 <div class="wrapper-wide">13 -1 <h1>{{ title }}</h1>14 -1 {%+ if description %}<div class="description">{{ description|linebreaks }}</div>{% endif %}-1 13 <h1>{{ col.title }}</h1> -1 14 {%+ if col.description %}<div class="description">{{ col.description|linebreaks }}</div>{% endif %} 15 15 {% include '_list.html' %} 16 16 </div> 17 17 {% endblock %}
diff --git a/templates/feed.xml b/templates/feed.xml
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ 1 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 2 2 <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:podcast="https://podcastindex.org/namespace/1.0" xmlns:itunes="http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd"> 3 3 <channel>4 -1 <title>{{ title }}</title>5 -1 {%+ if description %}<description>{{ description }}</description>{% endif %}6 -1 <link>{{ _links.collection_page.href }}</link>-1 4 <title>{{ col.title }}</title> -1 5 {%+ if col.description %}<description>{{ col.description }}</description>{% endif %} -1 6 <link>{{ col._links.collection_page.href }}</link> 7 7 <language>en-US</language> 8 8 <itunes:author>Dropout</itunes:author> 9 9 <copyright>Dropout Connected Ventures</copyright> 10 10 <podcast:funding url="https://www.dropout.tv">Subscribe</podcast:funding>11 -1 <itunes:image href="{{ additional_images.aspect_ratio_1_1.medium }}" />-1 11 <itunes:image href="{{ col.additional_images.aspect_ratio_1_1.medium }}" /> 12 12 <itunes:category text="Comedy" /> 13 13 {% for item in items %} 14 14 <item>15 -1 <title>{% if type == 'series' %}{{ item.metadata.season_name }}: {% endif %}{{ item.title }}</title>-1 15 <title>{% if col.type == 'series' %}{{ item.metadata.season_name }}: {% endif %}{{ item.title }}</title> 16 16 <link>{{ item._links.video_page.href }}</link> 17 17 <guid>{{ item._links.video_page.href }}</guid> 18 18 <pubDate>{{ item.created_at|feed_date }}</pubDate> 19 19 {%+ if description %}<description>{{ item.description }}</description>{% endif %} 20 20 <itunes:duration>{{ item.duration.seconds }}</itunes:duration> 21 21 <itunes:image href="{{ item.additional_images.aspect_ratio_1_1.medium }}" />22 -1 {% if type == 'series' %}-1 22 {% if col.type == 'series' %} 23 23 {%+ if item.season_number %}<itunes:season>{{ item.season_number }}</itunes:season>{% endif%} 24 24 {%+ if item.episode_number %}<itunes:episode>{{ item.episode_number }}</itunes:episode>{% endif%} 25 25 {% endif %}
diff --git a/templates/series.html b/templates/series.html
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ 1 1 {% extends 'base.html' %} 2 23 -1 {% block title %}{{ title }} - {{ super() }}{% endblock %}-1 3 {% block title %}{{ col.title }} - {{ super() }}{% endblock %} 4 4 5 5 {% block head %} 6 6 {% if ORIGIN %}7 -1 <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" href="/series/{{ id }}.rss">-1 7 <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" href="/series/{{ col.id }}.rss"> 8 8 {% endif %} 9 9 {% endblock %} 10 10 11 11 {% block content %} 12 12 <div class="wrapper-wide">13 -1 <h1>{{ title }}</h1>14 -1 {%+ if description %}<div class="description">{{ description|linebreaks }}</div>{% endif %}-1 13 <h1>{{ col.title }}</h1> -1 14 {%+ if col.description %}<div class="description">{{ col.description|linebreaks }}</div>{% endif %} 15 15 16 16 {% for season in seasons|reverse %} 17 17 <h2 id="season-{{ season.season_number }}">{{ season.title }}</h2>
diff --git a/templates/video.html b/templates/video.html
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ 1 1 {% extends 'base.html' %} 2 23 -1 {% block title %}{{ title }} · {% if metadata.series_name %}{{ metadata.series_name }} ·{% endif %} {{ super() }}{% endblock %}-1 3 {% block title %}{{ video.title }} · {% if video.metadata.series_name %}{{ video.metadata.series_name }} ·{% endif %} {{ super() }}{% endblock %} 4 4 5 5 {% block content %} 6 6 <div class="relative">7 -1 <video controls poster="{{ thumbnail.large }}" preload="none" width="960" height="720">8 -1 {% for file in _embedded.files %}9 -1 <source type="{{ file.mime_type }}" src="/video/{{ id }}-{{ file.quality }}.{{ file.format }}" {% if file.quality != 'adaptive' %}media="(min-height: {{ file.quality }}x)" data-quality="{{ file.quality }}" data-co2="{{ file.size.formatted }} (~{{ file.size.bytes|co2 }})"{% endif %}>-1 7 <video controls poster="{{ video.thumbnail.large }}" preload="none" width="960" height="720"> -1 8 {% for file in video._embedded.files %} -1 9 <source type="{{ file.mime_type }}" src="/video/{{ video.id }}-{{ file.quality }}.{{ file.format }}" {% if file.quality != 'adaptive' %}media="(min-height: {{ file.quality }}x)" data-quality="{{ file.quality }}" data-co2="{{ file.size.formatted }} (~{{ file.size.bytes|co2 }})"{% endif %}> 10 10 {% endfor %}11 -1 {% for track in tracks.subtitles %}-1 11 {% for track in video.tracks.subtitles %} 12 12 <track kind="{{ track.kind }}" label="{{ track.label }}" srclang="{{ track.srclang }}" src="{{ track._links.vtt.href }}"> 13 13 {% endfor %} 14 14 </video> @@ -17,22 +17,22 @@ 17 17 {% endif %} 18 18 </div> 19 19 <div class="wrapper">20 -1 <h1>{{ title }}</h1>-1 20 <h1>{{ video.title }}</h1> 21 21 <div class="meta">22 -1 {% if metadata.series_id %}23 -1 <a href="/series/{{ metadata.series_id }}/">{{ metadata.series_name }}</a>24 -1 <a href="/series/{{ metadata.series_id }}/#season-{{ metadata.season_number }}" class="hidden-link">Season {{ metadata.season_number }}</a>,25 -1 Episode {{ metadata.episode_number }}-1 22 {% if video.metadata.series_id %} -1 23 <a href="/series/{{ video.metadata.series_id }}/">{{ video.metadata.series_name }}</a> -1 24 <a href="/series/{{ video.metadata.series_id }}/#season-{{ video.metadata.season_number }}" class="hidden-link">Season {{ video.metadata.season_number }}</a>, -1 25 Episode {{ video.metadata.episode_number }} 26 26 · 27 27 {% endif %}28 -1 {{ duration|duration }} ·29 -1 <time title="{{ created_at }}">{{ created_at|dt }}</time>30 -1 {% if _links.video_page %}· <a class="hidden-link" href="{{ _links.video_page.href }}" referrerpolicy="no-referrer">Watch on dropout.tv</a>{% endif %}-1 28 {{ video.duration|duration }} · -1 29 <time title="{{ video.created_at }}">{{ video.created_at|dt }}</time> -1 30 {% if video._links.video_page %}· <a class="hidden-link" href="{{ video._links.video_page.href }}" referrerpolicy="no-referrer">Watch on dropout.tv</a>{% endif %} 31 31 </div>32 -1 {%+ if description %}<div class="description">{{ description|linebreaks }}</div>{% endif %}33 -1 {% if tags %}-1 32 {%+ if video.description %}<div class="description">{{ video.description|linebreaks }}</div>{% endif %} -1 33 {% if video.tags %} 34 34 <ul class="tags">35 -1 {% for tag in tags %}-1 35 {% for tag in video.tags %} 36 36 <li class="tag"><a href="/search/?q=tags: {{ tag }}" rel="tag">#{{ tag }}</a></li> 37 37 {% endfor %} 38 38 </ul>