
git clone

Tobias Bengfort <>
2022-12-11 08:57


A 2022/11/input.txt 56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
A 2022/11/ 106 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
A 2022/11/test.txt 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

3 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions

diff --git a/2022/11/input.txt b/2022/11/input.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
   -1     1 Monkey 0:
   -1     2   Starting items: 73, 77
   -1     3   Operation: new = old * 5
   -1     4   Test: divisible by 11
   -1     5     If true: throw to monkey 6
   -1     6     If false: throw to monkey 5
   -1     7 
   -1     8 Monkey 1:
   -1     9   Starting items: 57, 88, 80
   -1    10   Operation: new = old + 5
   -1    11   Test: divisible by 19
   -1    12     If true: throw to monkey 6
   -1    13     If false: throw to monkey 0
   -1    14 
   -1    15 Monkey 2:
   -1    16   Starting items: 61, 81, 84, 69, 77, 88
   -1    17   Operation: new = old * 19
   -1    18   Test: divisible by 5
   -1    19     If true: throw to monkey 3
   -1    20     If false: throw to monkey 1
   -1    21 
   -1    22 Monkey 3:
   -1    23   Starting items: 78, 89, 71, 60, 81, 84, 87, 75
   -1    24   Operation: new = old + 7
   -1    25   Test: divisible by 3
   -1    26     If true: throw to monkey 1
   -1    27     If false: throw to monkey 0
   -1    28 
   -1    29 Monkey 4:
   -1    30   Starting items: 60, 76, 90, 63, 86, 87, 89
   -1    31   Operation: new = old + 2
   -1    32   Test: divisible by 13
   -1    33     If true: throw to monkey 2
   -1    34     If false: throw to monkey 7
   -1    35 
   -1    36 Monkey 5:
   -1    37   Starting items: 88
   -1    38   Operation: new = old + 1
   -1    39   Test: divisible by 17
   -1    40     If true: throw to monkey 4
   -1    41     If false: throw to monkey 7
   -1    42 
   -1    43 Monkey 6:
   -1    44   Starting items: 84, 98, 78, 85
   -1    45   Operation: new = old * old
   -1    46   Test: divisible by 7
   -1    47     If true: throw to monkey 5
   -1    48     If false: throw to monkey 4
   -1    49 
   -1    50 Monkey 7:
   -1    51   Starting items: 98, 89, 78, 73, 71
   -1    52   Operation: new = old + 4
   -1    53   Test: divisible by 2
   -1    54     If true: throw to monkey 3
   -1    55     If false: throw to monkey 2
   -1    56 

diff --git a/2022/11/ b/2022/11/

@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
   -1     1 #[path = "../"] mod lib;
   -1     2 
   -1     3 struct Monkey {
   -1     4     items: Vec<u64>,
   -1     5     op_add: u64,
   -1     6     op_add_self: bool,
   -1     7     op_mul: u64,
   -1     8     op_mul_self: bool,
   -1     9     div: u64,
   -1    10     if_true: usize,
   -1    11     if_false: usize,
   -1    12 }
   -1    13 
   -1    14 fn cut_prefix(line: &String, prefix: &'static str) -> Option<String> {
   -1    15     if line.starts_with(prefix) {
   -1    16         return Some(line[prefix.len()..].to_string());
   -1    17     } else {
   -1    18         return None;
   -1    19     }
   -1    20 }
   -1    21 
   -1    22 fn get_monkeys() -> Vec<Monkey> {
   -1    23     let mut monkeys = vec![];
   -1    24     let mut monkey = Monkey {
   -1    25         items: vec![],
   -1    26         op_add: 0,
   -1    27         op_add_self: false,
   -1    28         op_mul: 1,
   -1    29         op_mul_self: false,
   -1    30         div: 1,
   -1    31         if_true: 0,
   -1    32         if_false: 0,
   -1    33     };
   -1    34 
   -1    35     for line in lib::iter_input() {
   -1    36         if line.starts_with("Monkey ") {
   -1    37         } else if let Some(rest) = cut_prefix(&line, "  Starting items: ") {
   -1    38             for s in rest.split(", ") {
   -1    39                 let i = s.parse::<u64>().unwrap();
   -1    40                 monkey.items.push(i);
   -1    41             }
   -1    42         } else if let Some(rest) = cut_prefix(&line, "  Operation: new = old ") {
   -1    43             match lib::split_once(rest.as_str(), ' ').unwrap() {
   -1    44                 ("+", "old") => { monkey.op_add_self = true; },
   -1    45                 ("*", "old") => { monkey.op_mul_self = true; },
   -1    46                 ("+", s) => { monkey.op_add = s.parse().unwrap(); },
   -1    47                 ("*", s) => { monkey.op_mul = s.parse().unwrap(); },
   -1    48                 _ => unreachable!(),
   -1    49             }
   -1    50         } else if let Some(rest) = cut_prefix(&line, "  Test: divisible by ") {
   -1    51             monkey.div = rest.parse().unwrap();
   -1    52         } else if let Some(rest) = cut_prefix(&line, "    If true: throw to monkey ") {
   -1    53             monkey.if_true = rest.parse().unwrap();
   -1    54         } else if let Some(rest) = cut_prefix(&line, "    If false: throw to monkey ") {
   -1    55             monkey.if_false = rest.parse().unwrap();
   -1    56         } else if line == "" {
   -1    57             // I cheated slightly by adding a blank line to the end of the input
   -1    58             monkeys.push(monkey);
   -1    59             monkey = Monkey {
   -1    60                 items: vec![],
   -1    61                 op_add: 0,
   -1    62                 op_add_self: false,
   -1    63                 op_mul: 1,
   -1    64                 op_mul_self: false,
   -1    65                 div: 1,
   -1    66                 if_true: 0,
   -1    67                 if_false: 0,
   -1    68             };
   -1    69         } else {
   -1    70             unreachable!();
   -1    71         }
   -1    72     }
   -1    73 
   -1    74     return monkeys;
   -1    75 }
   -1    76 
   -1    77 fn run(rounds: usize, damper: u64) -> u64 {
   -1    78     let mut monkeys = get_monkeys();
   -1    79     let mut counts = vec![0; monkeys.len()];
   -1    80 
   -1    81     // this keeps the values bounded without changing the results
   -1    82     let total_div: u64 = monkeys.iter().map(|m| m.div).product();
   -1    83 
   -1    84     for _ in 0..rounds {
   -1    85         for i in 0..monkeys.len() {
   -1    86             while !monkeys[i].items.is_empty() {
   -1    87                 let mut value = monkeys[i].items.remove(0);
   -1    88                 value += if monkeys[i].op_add_self { value } else { monkeys[i].op_add };
   -1    89                 value *= if monkeys[i].op_mul_self { value } else { monkeys[i].op_mul };
   -1    90                 value /= damper;
   -1    91                 value %= total_div;
   -1    92                 let other = if value % monkeys[i].div == 0 { monkeys[i].if_true } else { monkeys[i].if_false };
   -1    93                 monkeys[other].items.push(value);
   -1    94                 counts[i] += 1;
   -1    95             }
   -1    96         }
   -1    97     }
   -1    98 
   -1    99     counts.sort();
   -1   100     return counts.into_iter().rev().take(2).product();
   -1   101 }
   -1   102 
   -1   103 fn main() {
   -1   104     println!("part1: {}", run(20, 3));
   -1   105     println!("part2: {}", run(10000, 1));
   -1   106 }

diff --git a/2022/11/test.txt b/2022/11/test.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
   -1     1 Monkey 0:
   -1     2   Starting items: 79, 98
   -1     3   Operation: new = old * 19
   -1     4   Test: divisible by 23
   -1     5     If true: throw to monkey 2
   -1     6     If false: throw to monkey 3
   -1     7 
   -1     8 Monkey 1:
   -1     9   Starting items: 54, 65, 75, 74
   -1    10   Operation: new = old + 6
   -1    11   Test: divisible by 19
   -1    12     If true: throw to monkey 2
   -1    13     If false: throw to monkey 0
   -1    14 
   -1    15 Monkey 2:
   -1    16   Starting items: 79, 60, 97
   -1    17   Operation: new = old * old
   -1    18   Test: divisible by 13
   -1    19     If true: throw to monkey 1
   -1    20     If false: throw to monkey 3
   -1    21 
   -1    22 Monkey 3:
   -1    23   Starting items: 74
   -1    24   Operation: new = old + 3
   -1    25   Test: divisible by 17
   -1    26     If true: throw to monkey 0
   -1    27     If false: throw to monkey 1
   -1    28