
git clone

Tobias Bengfort <>
2022-12-15 10:40
faster solution


M 2022/15/ 102 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------

1 files changed, 69 insertions, 33 deletions

diff --git a/2022/15/ b/2022/15/

@@ -14,26 +14,6 @@ fn get_input() -> Vec<(i64, i64, i64, i64)> {
   14    14     }).collect();
   15    15 }
   16    16 
   17    -1 fn get_ranges(positions: &Vec<(i64, i64, i64, i64)>, y: i64) -> Vec<(i64, i64)> {
   18    -1     let mut ranges = vec![];
   19    -1 
   20    -1     for (xs, ys, xb, yb) in positions.iter() {
   21    -1         let d = (xs - xb).abs() + (ys - yb).abs();
   22    -1         let x1 = xs - d + (y - ys).abs();
   23    -1         let x2 = xs + d - (y - ys).abs();
   24    -1         ranges = merge(ranges, x1, x2);
   25    -1     }
   26    -1 
   27    -1     return ranges;
   28    -1 }
   29    -1 
   30    -1 fn render(v: &Vec<(i64, i64)>) {
   31    -1     for (x1, x2) in v.iter() {
   32    -1         print!("{}-{}, ", x1, x2);
   33    -1     }
   34    -1     print!("\n");
   35    -1 }
   36    -1 
   37    17 fn merge(v: Vec<(i64, i64)>, b1: i64, b2: i64) -> Vec<(i64, i64)> {
   38    18     if b1 > b2 {
   39    19         return v;
@@ -79,7 +59,14 @@ fn part1(positions: &Vec<(i64, i64, i64, i64)>) -> i64 {
   79    59     // different value for test and real input
   80    60     let y = if positions.len() == 14 { 10 } else { 2000000 };
   81    61 
   82    -1     let mut ranges = get_ranges(positions, y);
   -1    62     let mut ranges = vec![];
   -1    63 
   -1    64     for (xs, ys, xb, yb) in positions.iter() {
   -1    65         let d = (xs - xb).abs() + (ys - yb).abs();
   -1    66         let x1 = xs - d + (y - ys).abs();
   -1    67         let x2 = xs + d - (y - ys).abs();
   -1    68         ranges = merge(ranges, x1, x2);
   -1    69     }
   83    70 
   84    71     for (xs, ys, xb, yb) in positions.iter() {
   85    72         if *ys == y {
@@ -93,25 +80,74 @@ fn part1(positions: &Vec<(i64, i64, i64, i64)>) -> i64 {
   93    80     return count(ranges);
   94    81 }
   95    82 
   -1    83 fn slant(x: i64, y: i64) -> (i64, i64) {
   -1    84     return (x + y, x - y);
   -1    85 }
   -1    86 
   -1    87 fn unslant(x: i64, y: i64) -> (i64, i64) {
   -1    88     return ((x + y) / 2, (x - y) / 2);
   -1    89 }
   -1    90 
   96    91 fn part2(positions: &Vec<(i64, i64, i64, i64)>) -> i64 {
   97    92     // different value for test and real input
   98    93     let n = if positions.len() == 14 { 20 } else { 4000000 };
   99    94 
  100    -1     for y in 0..=n {
  101    -1         let ranges = get_ranges(positions, y);
  102    -1         let mut foo = vec![(0, n)];
  103    -1         for (x1, x2) in ranges.iter() {
  104    -1             foo = remove(foo, *x1, *x2);
  105    -1         }
  106    -1         if !foo.is_empty() {
  107    -1             assert_eq!(foo.len(), 1);
  108    -1             assert_eq!(foo[0].0, foo[0].1);
  109    -1             let x = foo[0].0;
  110    -1             return x * 4000000 + y;
   -1    95     let p1 = slant(n / 2 - n, n / 2);
   -1    96     let p2 = slant(n / 2 + n, n / 2);
   -1    97     let mut areas = vec![(p1.0, p1.1, p2.0, p2.1)];
   -1    98 
   -1    99     for (xs, ys, xb, yb) in positions.iter() {
   -1   100         let d = (xs - xb).abs() + (ys - yb).abs();
   -1   101 
   -1   102         // turn by 45deg so we can work with rectangular areas
   -1   103         let (x, y) = slant(*xs, *ys);
   -1   104 
   -1   105         let bx1 = x - d;
   -1   106         let by1 = y - d;
   -1   107         let bx2 = x + d;
   -1   108         let by2 = y + d;
   -1   109 
   -1   110         let mut tmp = vec![];
   -1   111         for (ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2) in areas.into_iter() {
   -1   112             if ax2 < bx1 || ax1 > bx2 || ay2 < by1 || ay1 > by2 {
   -1   113                 tmp.push((ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2));
   -1   114             } else {
   -1   115                 if ax1 < bx1 {
   -1   116                     tmp.push((ax1, ay1, bx1 - 1, ay2));
   -1   117                 }
   -1   118                 if ax2 > bx2 {
   -1   119                     tmp.push((bx2 + 1, ay1, ax2, ay2));
   -1   120                 }
   -1   121                 let x1 = ax1.max(bx1);
   -1   122                 let x2 = ax2.min(bx2);
   -1   123                 if ay1 < by1 {
   -1   124                     tmp.push((x1, ay1, x2, by1 - 1));
   -1   125                 }
   -1   126                 if ay2 > by2 {
   -1   127                     tmp.push((x1, by2 + 1, x2, ay2));
   -1   128                 }
   -1   129             }
  111   130         }
   -1   131         areas = tmp;
  112   132     }
  113   133 
  114    -1     return 0;
   -1   134     let foo = areas.iter().map(|(ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2)| {
   -1   135         let (x1, y1) = unslant(*ax1, *ay1);
   -1   136         let (x2, y2) = unslant(*ax2, *ay2);
   -1   137         return (x1, y1, x2, y2);
   -1   138     }).filter(|(x1, y1, x2, y2)| !(
   -1   139         // this filter is not sufficient in the general case, but worked with my data
   -1   140         (*x1 < 0 && *x2 < 0)
   -1   141         || (*y1 < 0 && *y2 < 0)
   -1   142         || (*x1 > n && *x2 > n)
   -1   143         || (*y1 > n && *y2 > n)
   -1   144     )).collect::<Vec<(i64, i64, i64, i64)>>();
   -1   145 
   -1   146     assert_eq!(foo.len(), 1);
   -1   147     let (x1, y1, x2, y2) = foo[0];
   -1   148     assert_eq!(x1, x2);
   -1   149     assert_eq!(y1, y2);
   -1   150     return x1 * 4000000 + y1;
  115   151 }
  116   152 
  117   153 fn main() {