use std::collections::HashMap; #[path = "../"] mod lib; fn str2int(s: &str) -> u32 { return s .bytes() .enumerate() .map(|(i, b)| (b as u32) << (i * 8)) .sum(); } fn parse() -> (Vec, HashMap) { let mut state = 0; let mut dirs = vec![]; let mut nodes = HashMap::new(); for line in lib::iter_input() { match state { 0 => { dirs = line.chars().map(|c| c == 'R').collect(); state = 1; } 1 => { state = 2; } 2 => { let name = str2int(&line[0..3]); let left = str2int(&line[7..10]); let right = str2int(&line[12..15]); nodes.insert(name, (left, right)); } _ => unreachable!(), } } return (dirs, nodes); } fn lcm(offset1: usize, period1: usize, offset2: usize, period2: usize) -> Option<(usize, usize)> { // // // The actual input data always has offset = period. // But I have spent far too much time on this to throw it away. let mut steps = vec![period1.min(period2), period1.max(period2)]; while steps[0] != 0 { steps.insert(0, steps[1] % steps[0]); } let period = period1 * period2 / steps[1]; let gcd = steps[1] as i64; let d_offset = offset2 as i64 - offset1 as i64; let p1 = period1 as i64; let p2 = period2 as i64; if d_offset % gcd == 0 { // a * steps[i + 1] - b * steps[i] = d_offset let mut a = d_offset / gcd; let mut b = 0; for i in 0..(steps.len() - 2) { // steps[i] = steps[i + 2] - x * steps[i + 1] let x = (steps[i + 2] / steps[i + 1]) as i64; (a, b) = (-b, -(a + b * x)); } if period1 < period2 { (a, b) = (-b, -a); } let af = lib::div_floor(a, p2 / gcd); let bf = lib::div_floor(b, p1 / gcd); a -= af.min(bf) * (p2 / gcd); let offset = offset1 + (a as usize) * period1; return Some((offset, period)); } else { return None; } } fn walk_one bool>( start: u32, is_end: F, dirs: &Vec, nodes: &HashMap, ) -> (Vec, usize) { let mut pos = start; let mut steps = 0; let mut offsets = vec![]; let mut first = (0, 0); loop { let rel = steps % dirs.len(); if is_end(pos) { if first == (0, 0) { first = (pos, rel); } else if first == (pos, rel) { let period = steps - offsets[0]; return (offsets, period); } offsets.push(steps); } let (left, right) = nodes.get(&pos).unwrap(); pos = if dirs[rel] { *right } else { *left }; steps += 1; } } fn walk bool>( starts: &Vec, is_end: F, dirs: &Vec, nodes: &HashMap, ) -> usize { let mut first = true; let mut candidates = vec![]; for start in starts.iter() { let (offsets, period) = walk_one(*start, &is_end, dirs, nodes); if first { for offset in offsets.iter() { candidates.push((*offset, period)); } first = false; } else { let mut new = vec![]; for offset in offsets.iter() { for (offset2, period2) in candidates.iter() { match lcm(*offset, period, *offset2, *period2) { Some(x) => { new.push(x); } None => {} } } } candidates = new; } } return candidates .iter() .map(|(offset, _period)| *offset) .min() .unwrap(); } fn main() { let (dirs, nodes) = parse(); let starts1 = vec![str2int("AAA")]; let is_end1 = |pos| pos == str2int("ZZZ"); let steps1 = walk(&starts1, is_end1, &dirs, &nodes); println!("part1: {}", steps1); let starts2 = nodes .keys() .map(|x| *x) .filter(|&pos| (pos >> 16) as u8 == b'A') .collect(); let is_end2 = |pos| (pos >> 16) as u8 == b'Z'; let steps2 = walk(&starts2, is_end2, &dirs, &nodes); println!("part2: {}", steps2); }