use std::collections::HashSet; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::convert::TryInto; #[path = "../"] mod lib; const WIDTH: usize = 7; struct Shape { blocks: Vec<(usize, usize)>, bottom: Vec<(usize, usize)>, left: Vec<(usize, usize)>, right: Vec<(usize, usize)>, width: usize, height: usize, } #[derive(Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] struct CacheKey { move_i: usize, shape_i: usize, // not sure if 4 rows are enough to capture this, but hope it works, but at least its very probable top_rows: [[bool; WIDTH]; 4], } fn make_shape(blocks: Vec<(usize, usize)>) -> Shape { return Shape { blocks: blocks.clone(), bottom: blocks.iter().filter(|(x, y)| *y == 0 || !blocks.contains(&(*x, *y - 1))).map(|(x, y)| (*x, *y)).collect(), left: blocks.iter().filter(|(x, y)| *x == 0 || !blocks.contains(&(*x - 1, *y))).map(|(x, y)| (*x, *y)).collect(), right: blocks.iter().filter(|(x, y)| !blocks.contains(&(*x + 1, *y))).map(|(x, y)| (*x, *y)).collect(), width: blocks.iter().map(|(x, _)| *x).max().unwrap() + 1, height: blocks.iter().map(|(_, y)| *y).max().unwrap() + 1, }; } fn get_input() -> Vec { let mut moves = vec![]; for line in lib::iter_input() { for c in line.chars() { match c { '<' => moves.push(false), '>' => moves.push(true), _ => unreachable!(), } } } return moves; } #[allow(dead_code)] fn render(covered: &HashSet<(usize, usize)>) { let height = covered.iter().map(|(_, y)| *y).max().unwrap() + 1; for y in (0..height + 3).rev() { for x in 0..WIDTH { if covered.contains(&(x, y)) { print!("#"); } else { print!("."); } } print!("\n"); } print!("\n"); } fn part1(moves: &Vec, shapes: &[Shape; 5], n: usize) -> usize { let mut height = 0; let mut move_i = 0; let mut i = 0; let mut covered: HashSet<(usize, usize)> = HashSet::new(); let mut cache = HashMap::new(); let mut jump_height = 0; while i < n { let shape = &shapes[i % shapes.len()]; let mut x = 2; let mut y = height; // PERF: for the first three steps there can bo no collisions for _ in 0..3 { if moves[move_i] { if x + shape.width < WIDTH { x += 1; } } else { if x > 0 { x -= 1; } } move_i = (move_i + 1) % moves.len(); } loop { let move_right = moves[move_i]; if move_right { if x + shape.width < WIDTH && shape.right.iter().all(|(xs, ys)| !covered.contains(&((x + *xs + 1, y + *ys)))) { x += 1; } } else { if x > 0 && shape.left.iter().all(|(xs, ys)| !covered.contains(&((x + *xs - 1, y + *ys)))) { x -= 1; } } move_i = (move_i + 1) % moves.len(); if y > 0 && shape.bottom.iter().all(|(xs, ys)| !covered.contains(&((x + *xs, y + *ys - 1)))) { y -= 1; } else { break; } } covered.extend(shape.blocks.iter().map(|(xs, ys)| (x + xs, y + ys))); height = (y + shape.height).max(height); if jump_height == 0 { let cache_key = CacheKey { move_i: move_i, shape_i: i % shapes.len(), top_rows: (0..4).map(|x| { return (0..WIDTH).map(|dy| { return dy < height && covered.contains(&(x, height - 1 - dy)); }).collect::>().try_into().unwrap(); }).collect::>().try_into().unwrap(), }; if let Some((prior_i, prior_height)) = cache.get(&cache_key) { let di = i - prior_i; let dh = height - prior_height; let count = (n - i) / di; println!("jumped from {} to {} ({}x{})", i, i + di * count, di, count); i += di * count; jump_height = dh * count; } else { cache.insert(cache_key, (i, height)); } } // render(&covered); i += 1; } return height + jump_height; } fn main() { let moves = get_input(); let shapes = [ make_shape(vec![ (0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0), ]), make_shape(vec![ (1, 1), (0, 1), (2, 1), (1, 0), (1, 2), ]), make_shape(vec![ (0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), ]), make_shape(vec![ (0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), ]), make_shape(vec![ (0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), ]), ]; println!("part1: {}", part1(&moves, &shapes, 2022)); println!("part2: {}", part1(&moves, &shapes, 1000000000000)); }